23 Things to Do When You're Stuck at Home Alone

23 Things to Do When You're Stuck at Home AloneMaybe you're sick, maybe it's raining outside, or maybe you just like it this way.
  1. Make a paper airport full of paper airplanes and overpriced paper food.
  2. Put ice in iced tea to make it double iced tea.
  3. Keep ripping apart a marshmallow until it feels more like a cooked marshmallow.
  4. Find your least worn hat and put it on. No more hat neglect.
  5. Babysit a cactus. Then fail because you got bored and watered it too much. Poor cactus.
  6. Wear a bathrobe backwards so it's a Snuggie (or wear a Snuggie backwards so it's a bathrobe).
  7. Have a rant about crayons. Does any kid really need 120 colors?
  8. Cup your hands in the shower to collect water, then let go and see the water splash down on the floor. See how loud you can make it.
  9. Dance around like an idiot. You are your only judge.
  10. Floss your teeth more, ya doofus. It's good for ya. You're bored anyway so you might as well fight bacteria.
  11. Play a 2 player game with yourself. If you need to use two controllers at once, you can always try using your feet.
  12. When you have to do chores, do them like you're a ninja.
  13. Snap your fingers and concentrate on how when you snap, the noise comes from your middle finger hitting your palm, not the friction of the two fingers moving apart. Crazy stuff.
  14. Connect a whole bunch of straws together, then drink a soda from across the room.
  15. See how many times you can cut a watermelon in half.
  16. Eat 2 pieces of fruit in a row like a badass. (Watermelons are especially hardcore, though not recommended.)
  17. Slap some Jell-O. It's more fun than it sounds.
  18. Make a terrible portrait of your pet since they'll probably like it anyway.
  19. Look at a word until it doesn't make sense. Like the word "sense", what's up with that word?
  20. Record yourself saying your name, then play it backwards to reveal your secret alter ego.
  21. Make a song and rhyme the word orange with Blorenge (a place in southeast Wales).
  22. Try to spell racecar backwards. Gonna blow your mind, man.
  23. Try to find a typo in a book so you can feel like a champion. How did you see that and the author and editors didn't? You win.

How to Cure Boredom

18 Prank Call Ideas
Those poor, poor minimum wage employees.

17 Things to Text
Helpful suggestions on how to successfully get someone to block your number.

22 Stupid Challenges
Sure, you're bored, but how do you prove that you're really, really bored?

25 Hilarious McDonald's Pranks
A lot of these also work for Burger King or Wendy's, if you have one of those instead of a McDonald's.

17 Things to Do at School
Other than look at this website, obviously...

23 Funny YouTube Video Ideas
Wow your friends with these unheard of innovations in online video media.

16 Really Weird Things to Do
These will most likely not help you gain any friendships.

29 Fun Things to Do with Friends
Crazy ideas that are great for best friends who are really bored. Also they're free!

22 Most Boring Things to Do
Some of us are just too excited sometimes.

32 Funny Short Story Ideas
Amusing writing prompts for those with writer's block.

25 Shortest Jokes Ever
Caution: Pretty much all of these are puns.

35 Things to Do When You're Really Bored
Are you dying of boredom? Some or all of these suggestions might help!

What to Do When Bored

Drawing Ideas
Funny things to doodle with pencils or crayons.

Painting Ideas
Easy things to paint with acrylic or watercolor.

Things to Do at Home
Ways to annoy your siblings, parents, and/or pets while trying not to get hurt.

Things to Talk About
Entertaining topics to discuss with your boyfriend or cat or whatever.

Things to Do Outside
Stuff to do in your yard or on a street or in the woods.

Things to Do in Public
Just so you know, the public will hate you if you do any of these.

Please don't actually do all of these.

Writing Prompts
Ideas for short stories or conversations or improv or whatever.

Ways to Make Money
Quick ways to make extra cash when you're stuck without a job.

Best Things to Do
Ideas for what to do when you're really, really bored.

Funniest Things to Do
Ideas for how to make yourself laugh.

Other Random Generators

These are thoughts...by people. Some are deep...some are not.

This could maybe be helpful if you're feeling philosophical.

Jokes so unfunny that they're actually kinda funny.

There's always room for another comic book idea.

About Random Things to Do

Hey, are you bored? Probably, since you're on this website. Luckily we have ideas for stuff to do to cure boredom. If you aren't alone, we have suggestions for what to do with friends too!

Are you up for a stupid challenge or do you just want to do something boring? Or maybe something weird? Are you bored in class and looking for a thing to do at school, or at McDonald's?

Maybe you want to tell a dumb joke to your brother or sister, text a stupid message to a friend, or even prank call somebody. You could also try to be creative and write a short story or film a funny video. Otherwise you can just do nothing, I guess.

Oh, and if you have an idea for something that's not here, please join our Discord server and send your suggestions!